Wednesday, September 22, 2010

batik pekalongan art

This is a typical Indonesian batik art from Central Java town of Pekalongan

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Batik solo modern

Indonesia has thousands islands that spread from Sabang to Meuroke.
Every island has difference language, culture and ethnic and traditional life.
Batik as traditional cloth that has been created since century ago, become specific cloth cold not be separated from Indonesian life. You will find Batik almost in every regencies and Municipalities at Indonesia.
Batik is not only used as fashion, but has philosophy for Indonesian daily life. Indonesians always wear Batik when they are born until death.
Indonesian mothers always carry on their baby using Batik for lullaby their baby, so that the baby feel comfortable. The baby feel tender and smooth because Batik is made from Mori cloth. The processed of making Batik will take three months at least, even few highest Batik quality will take long time to process.
Wisdom mother always choose Batik with good hope philosophy to carry on baby , in order the baby always health, strong and good future for their family and nation.
New bride couple will wear Batik, called jarit when getting marriage ceremonial. The design of jarit reflect good hope for happy marriage and avoid Parang design, because Parang design reflect sword for battle.

You will see varieties design Batik in Indonesia; because every island creates Batik depend on culture, philosophy, Way of life and spirit of life. Different island has different philosophy, design and purposes.
Batik is also used to cover corpse when people pass away, the design must reflect eternity.
Batik is used in varieties purposes so that the Batik designers create Batik for different purpose also.
The Government as motivator and facilitator of Batik, give and support capital stimulant and find market for Batik, even few Regencies and Municipalities make policy to wear Batik for local government employers. Few popular designers create Batik more fashionable so that the young people are not ashamed and look trendy to wear it. The efforts that have been doing by stake holders and Government, improve Batik popularity and price higher than before. The fashionable Batik motivates Batik entrepreneurs to find niche market and find strategies to market Batik, include marketing on the net.

Source :

best batik Indonesia